BIMCV and Euro-BioImaging BIMCV and Euro-BioImaging


Spain has nine nodes. The Valencian node BIMCV develops and provides access to a large database of anonymized data images and associated clinical records. This repository Big Data holds data from hospitals in the region of Valencia (5,000,000 inhabitants living in an area of 23,255 km2, with an average of 5.3 million cases per year from 210 different imaging techniques). However, the node is able to incorporate data from other sources.

The access to these data-sets and tools will be a breakthrough for research and population imaging studies.

Node services:

  • BIMCV provides multilevel and multiology storage in a VNA (Vendor Neutral Archive).
  • The node integrates access to high performance computing services in local and European infrastructures (Research Centre Prince Felipe Infrastructure and UPV-I3M).
  • BIMCV defines a methodology for public access to integrate different types of data for population imaging , quantitative resources and feature extraction.