NeruoBIM-MS | Projects NeruoBIM-MS | Projects

Principal Investigator: José María Salinas Serrano

R&D Project Manager applied to the Multiple Sclerosis

Medical imaging has now become one of the most innovative multidisciplinary translational research fields given the important role they play in the diagnosis of different diseases.

NeuroBIM-MS is a management and imaging knowledge extraction system from patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, based on the implementation of an instance of the general model Cloud CEIB R&D.

NeuroBIM-MS aims to provide the scientific community with an open imaging bank from patients with multiple sclerosis in the province of Alicante. It also offers a set of tools that allows health information systems to obtain a series of reports with added value for the professional practitioner, among which to improve the quality of information from patient's electronic health records.

NeuroBIM-MS starts as part of the management and knowledge extraction system of medical imaging: Cloud CEIB R&D; one case of use of the Dr. José María Serrano Salinas` doctoral thesis, led by Dr. Miguel Angel Quevedo Cazorla from Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Department, Alicante University in collaboration with Dr. Santiago Mola Caballero, leader of neurology at Vega Baja Orihuela Hospital and Dr. Angel Pérez Sempere, neurologist researcher at Hospital General Universitario in Alicante.

Cloud CEIB I+D | Management and medical imaging knowledge extraction system